Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Trick or Treat

While Charlie enjoyed trick or treat this year, he didn't quite understand what all was going on.  He was actually sick running a fever all weekend :( and missed trick or treat in our neighborhood Sat night.  He did however enjoy helping daddy answer the door for all the trick or treaters and pass out candy! (he also ate a bit himself)  He liked seeing all the kids dressed up and thought it was cool that they were all coming to visit him for a minute!  Sunday night we got all dressed up and took him up to the church for trunk or treat...he was pretty confused by this and not really into it so we passed out candy and then stopped in another neighborhood on the way home where we spotted some trick or treaters.  He liked it better, but we only managed to hit a few houses.  I'm glad he got to go, but feel like he will do much better next year!

and here are a few of us carving out our pumpkin a few days this was my first time to carve a pumpkin myself start to finish and I think it turned out pretty good!

In other news, I'm feeling pretty good.  I actually don't feel as tired as I did since taking the new medicine.  I guess that is a good thing.  I haven't taken a nap all week ;)

Charlie is growing and learning...he surprises me daily!  Today he was looking for something and he told me "It's in Aiden's room"  I didn't even know he knew that was Aidens room LOL.  We are going to work on some Thanksgiving cards for the family.  Look for them in the mail!!

Love and kisses from us all!


  1. Great job on the pumpkin!! We didn't carve any this year - I'm up for slacker parent of the year :) I'm sooooo glad you are feeling better on the medicine. That is great news. Charlie looked so cute in his costume!

  2. that charlie boy is really growing up...all the pictures are adorable...cant wait to see you next week!
    love and miss you!
