Tuesday, November 30, 2010

32 weeks down...7 weeks to go!

I went to the dr this week and everything is looking good.  Baby's heartrate was 135 and he said that was normal.  My belly was growing good, which means little Aiden is growing good too!!  He is a very active little booger.  Much more active than I remember Charlie being, but I could have forgotten.  It's fun to just sit there and watch my belly do flip flops.  I go back to the dr. in two weeks and as of now, we are still planning to do a csection at 39 weeks - sometime around Jan 17th.

Chess, Charlie, and I got all our Christmas stuff out and put up Thanksgiving day after we ate lunch.  We (I) just couldn't wait...

As you can see, my little helper was very willing to help decorate the tree :)  we've been to see Santa twice and while he likes the idea of Santa, you can forget about him going anywhere near him or his lap LOL.  We even have a blowup santa in his room and he likes us to blow santa up, but he makes us turn him off before he will go in his room HAHA silly boy!


  1. Love the Who Dat shirt...:)

    And, you really need to get him Elf on the Shelf. You got it for us last Christmas, and my girls are LOVING it!! Thanks, Aunt Robin

  2. I got us one last year too. Charlie isn't into it yet, but I figured maybe next year!!
