Thursday, September 2, 2010

Keeping Busy!

Its the same old same old around here.  Keeping busy as usual!!  Charlie's new obsession is LSU Football and his daddy is sooooo very proud!  He likes to listen to the fight song over and over, have me sing the fight song all day long, he watches his baby tiger dvd and even wants me to pull up the band and mike the tiger on youtube for him to watch LOL.  Hopefully he will enjoy sitting and watching an LSU football with daddy just as much so I can have a few hours of quite time, but I doubt it!

Charlie is really growing and turning into a talkative little booger!! He says new things everyday, sentences almost.  Some things are pretty hard to understand,but some things are clear as day!  He woke me up this morning and told me he poo pooed in the bed LOL...actually it was just a wet diaper that leaked, but it's amazing to have him start telling me things. He helped daddy wash the car this weekend.  He had fun, he loves helping us out with everything.  It went good until Charlie started dipping his scrub brush in teh dirt and rubbing it on the car rather than the soap bucket HAHA

I've been sewing up a storm the past couple of days.  My friend and I signed up for a booth at a little flea market in town.  It was cheap to sign up and we figured it was a few days out of the house and we could try to sell some stuff!  Charlie is going to Baton Rouge to visit a few days so I won't have to worry about him.  I know I'm gonna have to find a babysitter around here, but it's a hard thing to do!! You just never know with people these days!

well, that's all i have for now, I will update more after the flea market!

1 comment:

  1. Why do you think I still call on Maw Maw, Nanna, and Frannie to's hard leaving your kiddos with other people. Even when they're older.

    You should move here and we could take turns babysitting for each other.

    Good luck with your booth!
