Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Storytime Live

My friend Hollie and I took Charlie and his friend Aubree to see Storytime Live with all the Nickolodeon characters they love! It was in Jackson so drove in yesterday and spent the night. I think they had a good time, Dora was thier favorite, the others didn't really look like the real characters on tv. It was a fun little trip and I think the kids enjoyed it for sure!

Last weekend we had a quick trip in to Baton Rouge for Matt's birthday party. Charlie had a great time, he really misses everyone when we are apart!

Other than that, I've been getting in touch with my crafty side and playing around on my new sewing/embrodiery machine! I'm enjoying doing some little projects here and there! Charlie decides when I have time to do it and when I don't! I guess that is his job and he sure is good at it!

Not too many updates to report on our end. We are gradually introducing potty training to Charlie. I still don't think he is ready, but he likes sitting on the potty every now and then and he gets a sticker on his chart when he tee tees. He gets a kick out of that! I'm just taking it slow until he starts showing signs that he is ready to lose the diaper. He almost has all of his baby teeth in, we are waiting on the two bottom K9 teeth to come in right now and he is having a time with them! Then he will have his 2 year molars and I think that is all for a while!

Well, I'm having trouble posting pics so I'll try to add some later!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for being crafty! I can't wait to see what all you do. You inspired me! I'll stick with my cake decorating for now.
