Thursday, June 9, 2011

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Busy Busy little nest

It's been a while since I've updated. It's been a busy little nest around here. These little boys keep me running, but they couldn't be cuter!! Charlie is doing great in his big boy underwear. He has been about 6 days with no accident!!! YAY for saying goodbye to big boy diapers :) He is also just seems like such a big boy. He is talking so much now and making us laugh all the time ;) He doesn't forget a thing either. If you make a promise, you better be prepare to pay up!!

Little Aiden is growing like a weed too. He is just about sitting up on his own and almost even crawling!!!! Little booger. He started on some rice cereal and is taking 8oz bottles. I'm still nursing him, but sometimes he still seems hungry so I supplement with formula. He loves watching his big brother play and talk to him. They are so sweet together. When Aiden starts to cry Charlie is the first to the scene!!

I will leave you with some recent pics & video of the cuties