Tuesday, August 24, 2010

It's a BOY

Well, the aniticipation is over...we finally know we are having another sweet little boy!!! Lots of trucks, trains, and tools will be at our house for sure!!  Luckily, this means I don't really need to buy much at all for the new baby!  I do have a small "wish list" but nothing i must have right away or anything I wanted to buy today.  I went to Babies R Us after with a 20% coupon and really couldn't find a thing to pick up!!  I got Charlie a Diego digital camera that was on sale to save for either Christmas or his bday!! 

Well, Chess was cleaning up outside this weekend and came across a pretty decent sized poisonous snake :(  He killed but now I am terrified to take Charlie outside to play...thats a shame.  I am hoping one doesn't find its way into our house, I would freak out for sure!!  I'm sure after it cools down it won't be as much of an issued.  I guess one a year isn't bad considering we live on a pond...it just freaks me out!

I'm also bummed that my sewing/embrodery maching broke.  I had to drop it off at the shop today.  Hopefully they will have it fixed soon, I have some waiting projects to work out.  This heat is getting me so tired lately I don't really have the energy to do much anyway.  It's hard enough to keep the house and laundry up and look after Charlie poo!

Here are some recent pics, I will update more later this week!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Top 10 baby boy names

Ok, after many good suggestions we managed to narrow the list down to our 10 favorites.  Chess and I have had some trouble agreeing, but here is what we got!  Let the voting begin.  Vote for you LEAST favorite name everyday.  We will see what is left standing...a tiny disclaimer, the winner doesn't mean Chess and I are going to pick that name for sure.  I just thought this would be a fun way to get lots of ideas and opions!

Walter Ritchie
Cameron Ritchie
Alex Ritchie
Alex Walter
Jonah Robert
Carter Ritchie
Nathan Carter
Colin Walter
Colin Carter
Carter Robert

In other news...

Gran and Pops came for a visit this weekend and we had fun.  Charlie especially loved playing golf with Pops!!  I think Pops liked it just as much, he is excited to see how much Charlie likes golf!

We rode into memphis and visited Mud Island River Park.  We didn't stay long though, it was too hot!! Other than that, Gran cooked for us and helped me get things clean and we just visited.  It was nice.  After church this morning, they headed back home.  We are excited for them and the rest of the family to come for Charlie's bday party soon!!

Not much else going on.  I've been tired and queasy thanks to little no name Green LOL..let the voting begin.

here is my growing belly (and behind) at 16 weeks!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Baby Boy Names

Alright Peeps!

I need help picking a name for a baby boy.  Here is a list of names I like, feel free to mix them up however for first and last...also, add any others you really like or think are cute!  I will put together a list of the top 10 and we can start voting from there...then I'll do top 5, top 3, and the winner!  I'm gonna do this on the blog and also via email so I can get everyone to play!!  Feel free to join in either way, I'm gonna post the top 10 list on Monday all submission needs to be in my Sunday evening!

I hope everyone plays, it won't be fun unless you do so make sure and vote PLEASE!!!!  Here is the list I came up with so far (with help):


Here is what I have gotten so far:

Aiden Ritchie Green
Aiden Walter Green
Nathan Ritchie Green
Nathan Walter Green
Walter Ritchie Green
Dylan Michael Green
Cameron Ritchie Green
Clayton Ritchie Green
Dylan Mark Green
Ritchie Cullen Green
Max Weston Green
Max Owen Green
Alex Ritchie Green
Ritchie Colin Green
Ritchie Alex Green
Mark Ritchie Green
Mark Walter Green
Max Walter Green
Walter Ryan Green
Nicholas Walter Green
Luke Anthony Green
George Ritchie Green
Christoper Walter Green
Christoper Ritchie Green
Jesse Robert Green
Jesse Colin Green
Ritchie Oliver Green
Ritchie Cole Green
Ritchie Kyle Green
Ritchie Cayden Green
Ritchie Alexander Green
Owen Walter Green
Owen Ritchie Green
Ritchie Nathaniel Green
Robert Dylan Green
Josh Aiden Green
Max Cullen Green
David Nathan Green
Robert Nathan Green
Mark Alex Green
Cullan Alex Green
Alex Walter Green
Aiden Caine Green
Dylan Caine Green
Mark Caden Green
Max Nathan Green
Jonah Robert Green
Nathan Walker Green
Zachary Jacob Green
Michael Larry Green
Jackson Ritchie Green
Logan Ritchie Green
Clayton Ritchie Green (Clay)
Grant Ritchie Green
Cullen Ritchie Green
Reed Ritchie Green
Davis Ritchie Green

Monday, August 9, 2010

Watch out Emeril....Here comes Charlie

Charlie and I made a pizza for dinner this evening.  I decided to let him try to help me out and I was surprised...he did really good!! I figured he would just make a mess, but he kinda got into it!!  I'm sure it will be the best pizza we've ever tasted thanks to Chef Charlie Green!  Check him out in action!

Pizza isn't the only thing baking around here LOL...Baby Green #2 is doing great, I had a check up today and the heartbeat was 148, the doctor said it sounded great!!  I made an appt for Sept 10th to hopefully find out if we will be decorating in pink or blue!  I'll make sure and keep everyone posted on that for sure!  I know everyone is as anxious as we are. 

We had a pretty nice weekend and took it easy for the first time in a long time!  We did go and visit Ms. Sally (she works with Chess) and see her horse Boudreaux.  Charlie wasn't too sure at first...

But after he saw mommy pet him, he figured it would be ok!

Well, that's all I got for now!  I'll update again soon!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

what a busy busy summer!

Well, this weekend we took another quick trip to Louisiana. It turned out a little longer than expected, but we enjoyed the visit. We came home on Monday and were excited that Chess came home yesterday. He has been gone working in Chicago for two weeks. It's nice to all be home and taking it easy for a while! Our summer full of visitors continues though. Gran and Pops are coming up to see soon and then Amanda and Hunter will be headed up north. Olive Branch is quite the hot spot since the Greens moved up here LOL.

I went to see a specialist for my enlarged thyroid last Thursday and she was concerned about a couple of the enlarged nodes on it, she did a biopsy on both, but no worries, the results came back normal praise God! I will continue seeing her yearly to keep an eye on things, but we seem to be in the clear!

We've had a couple of playdates since we got home and Charlie has had a ball. Yesterday we went to toddler time at Chick Fil A for breakfast. Today we went to an outdoor spray park and then went for pizza. I also made a quick stop at Hobby Lobby, then we came home for what I hoped would be a nap, but that didn't work out :( Hopefully we will at least get to go to bed early tonight!!

I don't have any new pics of Charlie for this post, but I will leave you with some of my latest craft projects!